

At the risk of sounding like a Jane Austen novel, this past weekend was lovely. The weather was beautiful, and on Saturday Schuyler and I walked to the local coffee shop and I studied for the GRE and drank an americano in the sunshine.

Later we went to Jordan and Jamie's house for dinner and Schuy got acquainted with Henry Moynihan. They played/wrestled a little at first but Schuy got annoyed and tired of it pretty quickly. It's sad to think that he's really not a puppy anymore; he was so calm and relaxed compared to feisty Henry!

I ate delicious meals, including tri-color pasta with shredded carrot, cheddar, and peas and a blueberry almond salad with balsamic vinaigrette:

AND I cleaned my apartment, which is almost ready to be unveiled...

More to come soon!


  1. That sounds like a GREAT day. Schyuler is so good and cute, I'm sure he is a good bud and I'm releaved he is with you. Today Meg and I went to a skin doctor - she has to get a mole removed on her leg and all mine were OK!!! Crazy. I did get the skin tag taken off my eyelid and I am SO glad. I really did not like that there. I've gotta try your pasta with grated carrots and cheddar. Today is CSA YAY! We are having a roast beef au jus with smashed potatoes, salad and whatever veg they bring me. YUM!!

  2. this comment is slightly out of control. dinner sounds amazing, though!
