I've been insprired recently by
The Broccoli Hut, a blog about healthy eating and cooking. Caroline has so many creative breakfast recipes that I decided I needed to expand my oatmeal-flaxseed-brown sugar-blueberries staple to include other whole grain variations. So, at Trader Joe's I bought a huge bag of oat bran for only $2.99! The recommended serving size was 1/3 cup, so I increased it to 1/2 cup, of course. I put it in my glass tupperware with 2 cups of water and microwaved it for 4 minutes- the result was a soupy-thick cereal that looked like cream of wheat. I mixed in my standard ground flaxseed, a tab of salted butter, 2 scoops of brown sugar, and a handful of frozen wild blueberries (another change!). I didn't eat it until about 30 minutes later, after riding to work with the tupperware bungied to the back of my bike. Final review: I love oat bran! It tasted like oaty grits. I know, I know- this meal wasn't revolutionary, but I promise it's the beginning of a beautiful era of amazing breakfast cereal combinations! Kiwi and coconut butter, perhaps? Peanut flour and raspberries? THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!
This picture doesn't necessarily capture the true glory of my breakfast... |
yum! that should keep you regular :). what did it look like after tumbling from your bike or was that a different day?!