
Manager to Assistant

Working at Mimi's Attic seems like a distant memory now; it's hard to believe that I once was in charge of something so big, whether or not it was highly successful. I remember flitting around the store, dressed up and bossy, knowledgeable and sure of myself. I felt so empowered then- being given so much responsibility will do that to you, I guess.

The transition to being an assistant has been harder than I imagined it would be. I never really thought too much about that concept when I was getting ready to move, but it has been a huge struggle for me. I know that being the assistant to such an important woman is a huge honor, but it's hard to no longer feel any ownership for what I do. I suppose this will change a little as I get more involved in Deborah's research, and as I begin to take more responsibility in the office.

Today, Deborah noticed that I misspelled "Procter & Gamble" on a contract I sent to them, which is obviously really unprofessional and embarrassing. She was upset, of course, and I was really mad at myself about it, too. I don't know why I keep making small errors like this; I feel like I never made editing mistakes at Mimi's. Just the opposite, in fact- I was in charge of editing for both stores!

Some days I feel like I could spend all my time explaining myself, except I really can't think of much to say in defense of my mistakes. I just keep making them, which isn't me... is it?

1 comment:

  1. Aww honey - I had no idea you were feeling like this, but it makes perfect sense based on the transition you have made. We all make mistakes - you less than most people! And we always will. I sure hope Deborah is a kind person and appreciates everything you bring to the table. You are a smart, hardworking, efficient, talented and beautiful WOMAN! Now feel like it :). I love you, Momma
