My ingredients:
1/3 cup uncooked brown rice
2 cans black beans
10 oz. white mushrooms, finely chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 egg
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. paprika
Salt and black pepper to taste
and, at the last minute: cayenne and cheddar cheese (what?!)
I sauteed the onion in canola oil with the cumin and paprika for a couple minutes, then added the garlic. After another minute or so I added the mushrooms and cooked them until they released their juices (which is the coolest concept!) I ended up doing this in two batches because I have a ridiculously small frying pan, which probably added to my complete hysteria at the end of this experience.
Meanwhile, I had already cooked the brown rice in my rice cooker, and tried to mash it into the beans. I think ideally I was supposed to do this in a food processor (according to one of the recipes I looked at), so maybe that was part of the problem? Anyway, I just pounded the crap out of the beans for awhile, added the onion/mushroom mixture, and then continued to mash. I added salt and pepper, tasted it, added more, added cayenne, tasted it, gave up in frustration for a couple minutes, and then added an egg. At this point I was so hungry that I half-heartedly tossed a ball of the mixture onto the frying pan and tried to keep it contained in a patty-like shape while it cooked. After attempting to flip it a couple times I added some slices of cheddar, and then ate it with baked sweet potato and roasted kale. The meal itself tasted pretty good, but then again I was ravenous, so who really knows?
After eating, I went back to my bowl of veggie burger failure and added about a 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese (crumbled, for lack of grater). Then, I formed patties with the rest of the mixture and lined them on a greased baking sheet and baked them for 10 minutes at 375. I flipped them (I use this phrase liberally, since flipping the patties resulted in utter chaos on the baking sheet) and baked them a little longer. I wasn't really keeping track of time at this point because I was depressed, and still sort of hungry. My ultimate product looked okay- the patties almost kept their shape while I transferred them to tinfoil squares for wrapping and freezing. But, based on my previous experiences, I know they are bound to crumble at the first non-spatula touch, so I am bracing myself for several weeks of crumbly black bean concoctions.
Black bean burger salad: mixed with corn, edamame, grape tomatoes, and spinach with homemade balsamic vinaigrette. Delicious, but not exactly what I had envisioned for a veggie burger! |