
Behind the scenes

Most days I like to pretend that all I eat are the yummy meals I put together for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) it's all a lie. Take a look at what I snacked on before last night's dinner:

Granted, these rice cakes are very low calorie and healthy.

Until you load them up with this:

Whatever, healthy fats, right? (Warning: This stuff is like crack cocaine. If you buy it, you will not stop eating it on absolutely everything until the jar is gone.)

Then, dinner consisted of baked salmon, an obnoxiously huge serving of roasted potatoes, and a plateful of Indian cabbage smothered in cucumber raita sauce-- a normal person would not still be hungry after this meal, trust me. I, however, promptly poured myself a large bowl of cereal and almond milk:

Times two. Damnit!

Then I had the bright idea of chopping up a mango and freezing the pieces to snack on later in the week. Too bad I ate the entire thing straight off the cutting board. Juuust another day!

1 comment:

  1. are you pregnant with triplets?
    i checked those thin cakes out at Greenstar on Thursday right before I put your check in :) - decided not to buy them ( i thought they would be boring) and now I am glad cuz i don't need to be putting yummy butters on anything. You are amazing, no wonder you need to make more money :). ps how do you stay so thin?
